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Since its inception in 1989, the biennial Georgia Water Resources Conference has provided an open forum for the discussion of water policies and management strategies, as well as the results of research and technical studies.
The 2021 GWRC will be held on March 22-23 (Monday & Tuesday) at the Tate Student Center at UGA. More details on parking and lodging will be forthcoming. TALK MOVED: “Septic system impact to surface water quality study” by Daniel Johnson, Atlanta Regional Commission was scheduled tuesday 5.3.5 (2:42 – 3:00) moved to wednesday 3.6.5 (11:32 – 11:50) The… If you are in the very first session (8:30-10:00 on Tuesday) you may use this form to upload your presentation and we’ll have it on the computer when your session… Daniel Rochberg is Chief Strategy Officer of Emory University’s Climate@Emory initiative, an Instructor in Emory’s Departments of Environmental Health and Environmental Sciences, and a co-founder of the Georgia Climate Project. … Mark Masters serves as Director of the Georgia Water Planning and Policy Center at Albany State University and is a leading expert in agricultural water use and policy in the…Save The Date
Corrections and Announcements
Tuesday Morning Presentation Upload
Luncheon Speaker: Daniel Rochberg
Plenary Speaker: Mark Masters

The GWRC is supported by a grant from the GWRI.
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